export default { footer: { onlinePreview: 'Preview', onlineDocument: 'Document' }, header: { // user dropdown dropdownItemDoc: 'Document', dropdownItemLoginOut: 'Login Out', dropdownItemSwitchPassword: 'Password Change', dropdownItemSwitchDepart: 'Switch Department', dropdownItemRefreshCache: 'Clean cache', dropdownItemSwitchAccount: 'Account Setting', tooltipErrorLog: 'Error log', tooltipLock: 'Lock screen', tooltipNotify: 'Notification', tooltipEntryFull: 'Full Screen', tooltipExitFull: 'Exit Full Screen', // lock lockScreenPassword: 'Password', lockScreen: 'Lock screen', lockScreenBtn: 'Locking', home: 'Home', welcomeIn: 'Welcome in', refreshCacheComplete: 'Refresh cache complete', refreshCacheFailure: 'Refresh cache failure', }, multipleTab: { reload: 'Refresh current', close: 'Close current', closeLeft: 'Close Left', closeRight: 'Close Right', closeOther: 'Close Other', closeAll: 'Close All', }, setting: { // content mode contentModeFull: 'Full', contentModeFixed: 'Fixed width', // topMenu align topMenuAlignLeft: 'Left', topMenuAlignRight: 'Center', topMenuAlignCenter: 'Right', // menu trigger menuTriggerNone: 'Not Show', menuTriggerBottom: 'Bottom', menuTriggerTop: 'Top', // menu type menuTypeSidebar: 'Left menu mode', menuTypeMixSidebar: 'Left menu mixed mode', menuTypeMix: 'Top Menu Mix mode', menuTypeTopMenu: 'Top menu mode', on: 'On', off: 'Off', minute: 'Minute', operatingTitle: 'Successful!', operatingContent: 'The copy is successful, please go to src/settings/projectSetting.ts to modify the configuration!', resetSuccess: 'Successfully reset!', copyBtn: 'Copy', clearBtn: 'Clear cache and to the login page', drawerTitle: 'Configuration', darkMode: 'Dark mode', navMode: 'Navigation mode', interfaceFunction: 'Interface function', interfaceDisplay: 'Interface display', animation: 'Animation', splitMenu: 'Split menu', closeMixSidebarOnChange: 'Switch page to close menu', sysTheme: 'System theme', headerTheme: 'Header theme', sidebarTheme: 'Menu theme', menuDrag: 'Drag Sidebar', menuSearch: 'Menu search', menuAccordion: 'Sidebar accordion', menuCollapse: 'Collapse menu', collapseMenuDisplayName: 'Collapse menu display name', topMenuLayout: 'Top menu layout', menuCollapseButton: 'Menu collapse button', contentMode: 'Content area width', expandedMenuWidth: 'Expanded menu width', breadcrumb: 'Breadcrumbs', breadcrumbIcon: 'Breadcrumbs Icon', tabs: 'Tabs', tabDetail: 'Tab Detail', tabsQuickBtn: 'Tabs quick button', tabsRedoBtn: 'Tabs redo button', tabsFoldBtn: 'Tabs flod button', tabsTheme: 'tabs theme', tabsThemeSmooth: 'Smooth', tabsThemeCard: 'Card', tabsThemeSimple: 'Simple', sidebar: 'Sidebar', header: 'Header', footer: 'Footer', fullContent: 'Full content', grayMode: 'Gray mode', colorWeak: 'Color Weak Mode', progress: 'Progress', switchLoading: 'Switch Loading', switchAnimation: 'Switch animation', animationType: 'Animation type', autoScreenLock: 'Auto screen lock', notAutoScreenLock: 'Not auto lock', fixedHeader: 'Fixed header', fixedSideBar: 'Fixed Sidebar', mixSidebarTrigger: 'Mixed menu Trigger', triggerHover: 'Hover', triggerClick: 'Click', mixSidebarFixed: 'Fixed expanded menu', }, changePassword: { changePassword: 'Change password', oldPassword: 'Old password', newPassword: 'New password', confirmNewPassword: 'Confirm new password', pleaseEnterNewPassword: 'Please enter new password', }, };