import type { RouteLocationNormalized, RouteLocationRaw, Router } from 'vue-router';

import { toRaw, unref } from 'vue';
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { store } from '/@/store';
import { PAGE_NOT_FOUND_NAME_404 } from '/@/router/constant';

import { useGo, useRedo } from '/@/hooks/web/usePage';
import { Persistent } from '/@/utils/cache/persistent';

import { PageEnum } from '/@/enums/pageEnum';
import { PAGE_NOT_FOUND_ROUTE, REDIRECT_ROUTE } from '/@/router/routes/basic';
import { getRawRoute } from '/@/utils';
import { MULTIPLE_TABS_KEY } from '/@/enums/cacheEnum';

import projectSetting from '/@/settings/projectSetting';
import { useUserStore } from '/@/store/modules/user';
import type { LocationQueryRaw, RouteParamsRaw } from 'vue-router';

export interface MultipleTabState {
  cacheTabList: Set<string>;
  tabList: RouteLocationNormalized[];
  lastDragEndIndex: number;
  redirectPageParam: null | redirectPageParamType;

interface redirectPageParamType {
  redirect_type: string;
  name?: string;
  path?: string;
  query: LocationQueryRaw;
  params?: RouteParamsRaw;

function handleGotoPage(router: Router, path?) {
  const go = useGo(router);
  // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用
  go(path || unref(router.currentRoute).path, true);
  // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用
const getToTarget = (tabItem: RouteLocationNormalized) => {
  const { params, path, query } = tabItem;
  return {
    params: params || {},
    query: query || {},

 * 2024-06-05
 * liaozhiyang
 * 关闭的tab中是否包含当前页面
const closeTabContainCurrentRoute = (router, pathList) => {
  const { currentRoute } = router;
  const getCurrentTab = () => {
    const route = unref(currentRoute);
    const tabStore = useMultipleTabStore();
    return tabStore.getTabList.find((item) => item.path === route.path)!;
  const currentTab = getCurrentTab();
  if (currentTab) {
    return pathList.includes(currentTab.path);
  return false;

const cacheTab = projectSetting.multiTabsSetting.cache;

export const useMultipleTabStore = defineStore({
  id: 'app-multiple-tab',
  state: (): MultipleTabState => ({
    // Tabs that need to be cached
    cacheTabList: new Set(),
    // multiple tab list
    tabList: cacheTab ? Persistent.getLocal(MULTIPLE_TABS_KEY) || [] : [],
    // Index of the last moved tab
    lastDragEndIndex: 0,
    // 重定向时存储的路由参数
    redirectPageParam: null,
  getters: {
    getTabList(): RouteLocationNormalized[] {
      return this.tabList;
    getCachedTabList(): string[] {
      return Array.from(this.cacheTabList);
    getLastDragEndIndex(): number {
      return this.lastDragEndIndex;
  actions: {
     * Update the cache according to the currently opened tabs
    async updateCacheTab() {
      const cacheMap: Set<string> = new Set();

      for (const tab of this.tabList) {
        const item = getRawRoute(tab);
        // Ignore the cache
        const needCache = !item.meta?.ignoreKeepAlive;
        if (!needCache) {
        const name = as string;
      this.cacheTabList = cacheMap;

     * Refresh tabs
    async refreshPage(router: Router) {
      const { currentRoute } = router;
      const route = unref(currentRoute);
      const name =;

      const findTab = this.getCachedTabList.find((item) => item === name);
      if (findTab) {
      const redo = useRedo(router);
      await redo();
    clearCacheTabs(): void {
      this.cacheTabList = new Set();
    resetState(): void {
      this.tabList = [];
    goToPage(router: Router) {
      const go = useGo(router);
      const len = this.tabList.length;
      const { path } = unref(router.currentRoute);

      let toPath: PageEnum | string = PageEnum.BASE_HOME;

      if (len > 0) {
        const page = this.tabList[len - 1];
        const p = page.fullPath || page.path;
        if (p) {
          toPath = p;
      // Jump to the current page and report an error
      path !== toPath && go(toPath as PageEnum, true);

    async addTab(route: RouteLocationNormalized) {
      const { path, name, fullPath, params, query, meta } = getRawRoute(route);
      // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:202401127---for:【issues/7500】vue-router4.5.0版本路由name:PageNotFound同名导致登录进不去
      // 404  The page does not need to add a tab
      if (
        path === PageEnum.ERROR_PAGE ||
        path === PageEnum.BASE_LOGIN ||
        !name ||
        [, PAGE_NOT_FOUND_NAME_404].includes(name as string)
      ) {
      // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:202401127---for:【issues/7500】vue-router4.5.0版本路由name:PageNotFound同名导致登录进不去

      let updateIndex = -1;
      // Existing pages, do not add tabs repeatedly
      const tabHasExits = this.tabList.some((tab, index) => {
        updateIndex = index;
        return (tab.fullPath || tab.path) === (fullPath || path);

      // If the tab already exists, perform the update operation
      if (tabHasExits) {
        const curTab = toRaw(this.tabList)[updateIndex];
        if (!curTab) {
        curTab.params = params || curTab.params;
        curTab.query = query || curTab.query;
        curTab.fullPath = fullPath || curTab.fullPath;
        this.tabList.splice(updateIndex, 1, curTab);
      } else {
        // Add tab
        // 获取动态路由打开数,超过 0 即代表需要控制打开数
        const dynamicLevel = meta?.dynamicLevel ?? -1;
        if (dynamicLevel > 0) {
          // 如果动态路由层级大于 0 了,那么就要限制该路由的打开数限制了
          // 首先获取到真实的路由,使用配置方式减少计算开销.
          // const realName: string = path.match(/(\S*)\//)![1];
          const realPath = meta?.realPath ?? '';
          // 获取到已经打开的动态路由数, 判断是否大于某一个值
          if (this.tabList.filter((e) => e.meta?.realPath ?? '' === realPath).length >= dynamicLevel) {
            // 关闭第一个
            const index = this.tabList.findIndex((item) => item.meta.realPath === realPath);
            index !== -1 && this.tabList.splice(index, 1);
      cacheTab && Persistent.setLocal(MULTIPLE_TABS_KEY, this.tabList);

    async closeTab(tab: RouteLocationNormalized, router: Router) {
      const close = (route: RouteLocationNormalized) => {
        const { fullPath, meta: { affix } = {} } = route;
        if (affix) {
        const index = this.tabList.findIndex((item) => item.fullPath === fullPath);
        index !== -1 && this.tabList.splice(index, 1);

      const { currentRoute, replace } = router;

      const { path } = unref(currentRoute);
      if (path !== tab.path) {
        // Closed is not the activation tab

      // Closed is activated atb
      let toTarget: RouteLocationRaw = {};

      const index = this.tabList.findIndex((item) => item.path === path);

      // If the current is the leftmost tab
      if (index === 0) {
        // There is only one tab, then jump to the homepage, otherwise jump to the right tab
        if (this.tabList.length === 1) {
          const userStore = useUserStore();
          toTarget = userStore.getUserInfo.homePath || PageEnum.BASE_HOME;
        } else {
          //  Jump to the right tab
          const page = this.tabList[index + 1];
          toTarget = getToTarget(page);
      } else {
        // Close the current tab
        const page = this.tabList[index - 1];
        toTarget = getToTarget(page);
      await replace(toTarget);

    // Close according to key
    async closeTabByKey(key: string, router: Router) {
      const index = this.tabList.findIndex((item) => (item.fullPath || item.path) === key);
      if (index !== -1) {
        await this.closeTab(this.tabList[index], router);
        const { currentRoute, replace } = router;
        // 检查当前路由是否存在于tabList中
        const isActivated = this.tabList.findIndex((item) => {
          return item.fullPath === currentRoute.value.fullPath;
        // 如果当前路由不存在于TabList中,尝试切换到其它路由
        if (isActivated === -1) {
          let pageIndex;
          if (index > 0) {
            pageIndex = index - 1;
          } else if (index < this.tabList.length - 1) {
            pageIndex = index + 1;
          } else {
            pageIndex = -1;
          if (pageIndex >= 0) {
            const page = this.tabList[index - 1];
            const toTarget = getToTarget(page);
            await replace(toTarget);

    // Sort the tabs
    async sortTabs(oldIndex: number, newIndex: number) {
      const currentTab = this.tabList[oldIndex];
      this.tabList.splice(oldIndex, 1);
      this.tabList.splice(newIndex, 0, currentTab);
      this.lastDragEndIndex = this.lastDragEndIndex + 1;

    // Close the tab on the right and jump
    async closeLeftTabs(route: RouteLocationNormalized, router: Router) {
      const index = this.tabList.findIndex((item) => item.path === route.path);
      let isCloseCurrentTab = false;
      if (index > 0) {
        const leftTabs = this.tabList.slice(0, index);
        const pathList: string[] = [];
        for (const item of leftTabs) {
          const affix = item?.meta?.affix ?? false;
          if (!affix) {
        // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用
        isCloseCurrentTab = closeTabContainCurrentRoute(router, pathList);
        // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用
      // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用
      if (isCloseCurrentTab) {
        handleGotoPage(router, route.path);
      } else {
      // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用

    // Close the tab on the left and jump
    async closeRightTabs(route: RouteLocationNormalized, router: Router) {
      const index = this.tabList.findIndex((item) => item.fullPath === route.fullPath);
      let isCloseCurrentTab = false;
      if (index >= 0 && index < this.tabList.length - 1) {
        const rightTabs = this.tabList.slice(index + 1, this.tabList.length);

        const pathList: string[] = [];
        for (const item of rightTabs) {
          const affix = item?.meta?.affix ?? false;
          if (!affix) {
        // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用
        isCloseCurrentTab = closeTabContainCurrentRoute(router, pathList);
        // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用
      // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用
      if (isCloseCurrentTab) {
        handleGotoPage(router, route.path);
      } else {
      // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用

    async closeAllTab(router: Router) {
      this.tabList = this.tabList.filter((item) => item?.meta?.affix ?? false);

     * Close other tabs
    async closeOtherTabs(route: RouteLocationNormalized, router: Router) {
      const closePathList = => item.fullPath);
      let isCloseCurrentTab = false;
      const pathList: string[] = [];

      for (const path of closePathList) {
        if (path !== route.fullPath) {
          const closeItem = this.tabList.find((item) => item.path === path);
          if (!closeItem) {
          const affix = closeItem?.meta?.affix ?? false;
          if (!affix) {
      isCloseCurrentTab = closeTabContainCurrentRoute(router, pathList);
      // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用
      if (isCloseCurrentTab) {
        handleGotoPage(router, route.path);
      } else {
      // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:20240605---for:【TV360X-732】非当前页右键关闭左侧、关闭右侧、关闭其它功能正常使用

     * Close tabs in bulk
    async bulkCloseTabs(pathList: string[]) {
      this.tabList = this.tabList.filter((item) => !pathList.includes(item.fullPath));

     * Set tab's title
    async setTabTitle(title: string, route: RouteLocationNormalized) {
      const findTab = this.getTabList.find((item) => item === route);
      if (findTab) {
        findTab.meta.title = title;
        await this.updateCacheTab();
     * replace tab's path
     * **/
    async updateTabPath(fullPath: string, route: RouteLocationNormalized) {
      const findTab = this.getTabList.find((item) => item === route);
      if (findTab) {
        findTab.fullPath = fullPath;
        findTab.path = fullPath;
        await this.updateCacheTab();
    setRedirectPageParam(data) {
      this.redirectPageParam = data;

// Need to be used outside the setup
export function useMultipleTabWithOutStore() {
  return useMultipleTabStore(store);