<template> <div :class="getWrapClass"> <Tabs type="editable-card" size="small" :animated="false" :hideAdd="true" :tabBarGutter="3" :activeKey="activeKeyRef" @change="handleChange" @edit="handleEdit" > <template v-for="item in getTabsState" :key="item.query ? item.fullPath : item.path"> <TabPane :closable="!(item && item.meta && item.meta.affix)"> <template #tab> <TabContent :tabItem="item" /> </template> </TabPane> </template> <template #rightExtra v-if="getShowRedo || getShowQuick"> <div class="rightExtra"> <TabRedo v-if="getShowRedo" /> <!-- <TabContent isExtra :tabItem="$route" v-if="getShowQuick" /> --> <!-- 列表页全屏 <FoldButton v-if="getShowFold" />--> <!-- <FullscreenOutlined /> --> <router-link to="/ai" class="ai-icon"> <a-tooltip title="AI助手" placement="left"> <svg t="1706259688149" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="2056" width="17" height="17"> <path d="M826.368 325.632c0-7.168 2.048-10.24 10.24-10.24h123.904c7.168 0 10.24 2.048 10.24 10.24v621.568c0 7.168-2.048 10.24-10.24 10.24h-122.88c-8.192 0-10.24-4.096-10.24-10.24l-1.024-621.568z m-8.192-178.176c0-50.176 35.84-79.872 79.872-79.872 48.128 0 79.872 32.768 79.872 79.872 0 52.224-33.792 79.872-81.92 79.872-46.08 1.024-77.824-27.648-77.824-79.872zM462.848 584.704C441.344 497.664 389.12 307.2 368.64 215.04h-2.048c-16.384 92.16-58.368 247.808-92.16 369.664h188.416zM243.712 712.704l-62.464 236.544c-2.048 7.168-4.096 8.192-12.288 8.192H54.272c-8.192 0-10.24-2.048-8.192-12.288l224.256-783.36c4.096-13.312 7.168-26.624 8.192-65.536 0-6.144 2.048-8.192 7.168-8.192H450.56c6.144 0 8.192 2.048 10.24 8.192l250.88 849.92c2.048 7.168 0 10.24-7.168 10.24H573.44c-7.168 0-10.24-2.048-12.288-7.168l-65.536-236.544c1.024 1.024-251.904 0-251.904 0z" fill="#333333" p-id="19816"></path> </svg> </a-tooltip> </router-link> </div> </template> </Tabs> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import type { RouteLocationNormalized, RouteMeta } from 'vue-router'; import { defineComponent, computed, unref, ref } from 'vue'; import { Tabs } from 'ant-design-vue'; import TabContent from './components/TabContent.vue'; import FoldButton from './components/FoldButton.vue'; import TabRedo from './components/TabRedo.vue'; import { useGo } from '/@/hooks/web/usePage'; import { useMultipleTabStore } from '/@/store/modules/multipleTab'; import { useUserStore } from '/@/store/modules/user'; import { initAffixTabs, useTabsDrag } from './useMultipleTabs'; import { useDesign } from '/@/hooks/web/useDesign'; import { useMultipleTabSetting } from '/@/hooks/setting/useMultipleTabSetting'; import { REDIRECT_NAME } from '/@/router/constant'; import { listenerRouteChange } from '/@/logics/mitt/routeChange'; import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; import Aide from "/@/views/dashboard/ai/components/aide/index.vue" export default defineComponent({ name: 'MultipleTabs', components: { TabRedo, FoldButton, Tabs, TabPane: Tabs.TabPane, TabContent, Aide, }, setup() { const affixTextList = initAffixTabs(); const activeKeyRef = ref(''); useTabsDrag(affixTextList); const tabStore = useMultipleTabStore(); const userStore = useUserStore(); const router = useRouter(); const { prefixCls } = useDesign('multiple-tabs'); const go = useGo(); const { getShowQuick, getShowRedo, getShowFold, getTabsTheme } = useMultipleTabSetting(); const getTabsState = computed(() => { return tabStore.getTabList.filter((item) => !item.meta?.hideTab); }); const unClose = computed(() => unref(getTabsState).length === 1); const getWrapClass = computed(() => { return [ prefixCls, { [`${prefixCls}--hide-close`]: unref(unClose), }, `${prefixCls}--theme-${unref(getTabsTheme)}`, ]; }); listenerRouteChange((route) => { const { name } = route; if (name === REDIRECT_NAME || !route || !userStore.getToken) { return; } const { path, fullPath, meta = {} } = route; const { currentActiveMenu, hideTab } = meta as RouteMeta; const isHide = !hideTab ? null : currentActiveMenu; const p = isHide || fullPath || path; if (activeKeyRef.value !== p) { activeKeyRef.value = p as string; } if (isHide) { const findParentRoute = router.getRoutes().find((item) => item.path === currentActiveMenu); findParentRoute && tabStore.addTab(findParentRoute as unknown as RouteLocationNormalized); } else { tabStore.addTab(unref(route)); } }); function handleChange(activeKey: any) { activeKeyRef.value = activeKey; go(activeKey, false); } // Close the current tab function handleEdit(targetKey: string) { // Added operation to hide, currently only use delete operation if (unref(unClose)) { return; } tabStore.closeTabByKey(targetKey, router); } return { prefixCls, unClose, getWrapClass, handleEdit, handleChange, activeKeyRef, getTabsState, getShowQuick, getShowRedo, getShowFold, }; }, }); </script> <style lang="less"> @import './index.less'; @import './tabs.theme.card.less'; @import './tabs.theme.smooth.less'; </style> <style lang="less" scoped> @prefix-cls: ~'@{namespace}-multiple-tabs'; .@{prefix-cls} { :deep(.anticon) { display: inline-block; } // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:20241016---for:【issues/7345】标签样式切换到极简模式样式错乱 .rightExtra { display: flex; :deep(svg) { &:not(.icon) { vertical-align: -0.3em; } } .ai-icon { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; cursor: pointer; width: 36px; color: @text-color; text-align: center; border-left: 1px solid @border-color-base; } } // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:20241016---for:【issues/7345】标签样式切换到极简模式样式错乱 } </style>